Test Soil Before Adding Fertilizer

Soil management and managing the level of soil nutrients is necessary to promote flourishing plant growth in farms, gardens and landscaping. Soil nutrients are best managed by using an organic fertilizer, with custom mixes available through McGeary Fertilizer. A variety of McGeary Fertilizers are available from the nursery and gardening supply stores located under our list of Retailers. Or purchase now online by clicking on the Buy Now tab. Before you buy any fertilizer, however, a soil test is a critical part of the process. The best source for accurate soil testing is found at your local agricultural extension office. Extension agents in your home state can advise you on how to take the soil test accurately so that you can pinpoint needs and add fertilizer appropriately. Then the test results can be studied by our agronomists at McGeary Organics. They have specialized knowledge that goes into creating the precise fertilizer needed for the crops specific to the soil needs in your farm, yard or garden. Data from a soil test reveals the soil nutrients that your landscaping or garden is lacking. Just as important is the test that tells you when you have overfertilized. With that soil test information, … Continue reading Test Soil Before Adding Fertilizer