How many ways can we measure it? In pain… in hassle… in wasted hours… even in dollars? Even if all the grass on your lawn looks healthy; green, robust, and beautiful — the sight of weeds can damage what could have been a splendorous sight. But in truth, most often weeds do much more damage than simply being an eyesore. Weeds choke out other more desirable plants. They work like thieves; they steal nutrients from your flowers, your grass, and your crops. They prevent them from flourishing as they can when you use a top organic fertilizer.
Instead, weeds take your hard work, your sweat and effort, your dreams of something nicer, and cast an ugly shadow over them. Your crops and your flowers get strangled and die. They trespass on your land and spit in the face of your work. Maybe one day you should count up how much crop you have lost due to weeds, or how many freshly planted flowers have withered up. Count them up and find out what that’s worth. Know what they’ve stolen from you. What might not have been so dramatic to you beforehand might really get your blood boiling if you see it in practical dollar terms.
At the end of the day, you know it’s like a war. They’re dug into the trenches and they can be tricky to get rid of. You’ll end up spending even more money than they’ve taken trying to destroy them. Every year it’s the same situation. You end up spending money not just to keep you plants healthy and strong, but also to keep these invaders out. Maybe there’s a better way to keep your plants healthy AND keep the weeds at bay. Maybe there’s a way to save the time and money of doing both jobs separately.
Kill the Weeds Before They Appear
McGeary Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer does just that — both of these jobs at once. Not only is McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten one of the best organic fertilizers in its own right but it’s also, when used properly, a very effective pre-emergent herbicide. That means it can get rid of your weed problems before they even show up. You just apply it at the right time, before they have grown, and they never show up. More detail on proper application will be expressed later in this article and in a more scientific post by our agronomist at Corn Gluten Products.
Avoid the hassle of doing two jobs — McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten saves you from this problem. It saves you the money that you would normally have to spend on two different products. As an added bonus, because our corn gluten is a top organic fertilizer, you will not have to deal with extremely harsh lab-brew chemicals AND you retain your respect for our environment.
McGeary’s Best Organic Fertilizers Do the Job Responsibly
Think about this: our organic corn gluten fertilizer is an organic product. It is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production, and it conforms to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. Not only that, but McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer is made from non-GMO corn gluten.
If you’ve been wondering what exactly corn gluten is, here’s the quick answer: Corn gluten is a dried protein that is separated from corn. Note that corn gluten is an inexact term, as no true gluten has yet formed in it, only proteins. It is a perfectly natural fertilizer. Researchers from the University of Iowa discovered its unique ability to inhibit root development in seedlings during the 1980s. Since then it has become a popular alternative to the harsh man-made herbicides. McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer raises the bar by being organic and being made from non-GMO corn gluten.
Take Full Advantage of McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer
There are a number of things to remember regarding the proper use of our organic corn gluten fertilizer. It is important to take proper account here, as the misuse of a top organic fertilizer can result in inefficacy. Used correctly, however, our organic corn gluten will truly surprise you with its ability to do two jobs at once.
Corn gluten meal works by inhibiting the root formation of germinating plants. Because of this, at very high rates (80 pounds/1000 ft2 or higher), it can inhibit the roots of mature plants of transplants. Under normal circumstances, this is not a real worry. The recommended rate for targeting weeds with our organic corn gluten fertilizer is 20 pounds/1000 ft2.
It should be applied before the germination of the weeds. As a general rule, put it down when the Forsythia and early spring bulbs are in bloom. The timing of fall applications is not as important. Once germination occurs, a short drying period is needed to kill the plants that have germinated but have not formed a root. Timing is also important here. If it is too wet during germination, the plants will recover and form a root. Under ideal conditions, it should be put down when there is no rain in the forecast for 48 hours.
McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer also becomes more effective with repeated use. We recommend doing the additional applications at a rate of about 10 pounds/1000 ft2.
Special Benefits of McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer
A special advantage of McGeary’s organic corn gluten fertilizer that is common among all our top organic fertilizers is the slow release of nutrients. This comes with a number of benefits. The plant’s uptake of the nutrients is substantially maximized and the amount of nutrients lost by run-off is lost by a great amount. This means you are getting more out of every pound of McGeary’s, and your plants are receiving the best possible treatment from the best organic fertilizers.
One last great advantage is that you get the dual-purpose organic corn gluten fertilizer, organic and environmentally friendly, made of the best quality non-GMO corn gluten, with it’s slow release, stronger plant-building properties… all at our McGeary pricing. Have a look on our site.