Organic Fertilizer

McGeary Organics 6-0-4 Low Phosphorus Fertilizer

McGeary Organics 6-0-4 was formulated for use in areas with phosphorus restrictions due to water quality concerns, and in soils with excessive phosphorus from over manuring or fertilization. McGeary Organics 6-0-4 is an excellent general purpose fertilizer and can be [...]

McGeary Organics Horticultural 5-3-4 Soil-Less Fertilizer

McGeary’s horticultural fertilizer consists of McGeary Organics 5-3-4 blended with micronutrients. This fertilizer will supply plants growing in soil-less medias such as peat, bark, or coir with nutrients that these substrates do not contain. Note: This fertilizer is not allowed [...]

McGeary Organics 8-0-0 Corn Gluten Fertilizer

What exactly is corn gluten? Since that time corn gluten meal has been effectively used as a natural pre-emergent herbicide at 20 lbs. per 1000 square feet. Subsequent applications can be made at 10 lbs. per square feet. If being [...]

Mcgeary Organics 5-3-4 General Purpose Gardening & Yard Fertilizer

McGeary Organics 5-3-4 is a premium organic fertilizer that meests the NOP requirements for organic crops. It performs well in a variety of applications. Plants respond rapidly, making this the most popular blend among farmers, landscapers and fruit and vegetable [...]

How Much Growth Have You Lost to Weeds?

How many ways can we measure it? In pain… in hassle… in wasted hours… even in dollars? Even if all the grass on your lawn looks healthy; green, robust, and beautiful — the sight of weeds can damage what could [...]

Organic Gardening Is As Easy as 3-5-3!

So spring is finally here, and you are looking to finally plant that organic garden you have always wanted, where do you start? The most important thing to remember about obtaining healthy gardens is to plan correctly. Growing organic is [...]

Organic Farming, Organic Gardening

Whether you practice organic farming or organic gardening, determining which top organic fertilizer to use is essential. Using a natural fertilizer is of course an obvious choice, but particularly worthy of your attention are organic low phosphorus fertilizers. Phosphorus is [...]

Organic Fertilizers Work Slowly

For many years, the concept of artificial improvement dominated every field of human endeavor, including the fields in which flowers or fruits and vegetables were grown. The concept of laboratory-created chemical fertilizers seemed viable at first, creating bumper crops of [...]

Test Soil Before Adding Fertilizer

Soil management and managing the level of soil nutrients is necessary to promote flourishing plant growth in farms, gardens and landscaping. Soil nutrients are best managed by using an organic fertilizer, with custom mixes available through McGeary Fertilizer. A variety [...]

How To Grow Organic Vegetables In Your Own Backyard

The first step to growing organic vegetables in your backyard is to plan where you will be growing your backyard vegetables. While some fruits and vegetables tolerate partly shady conditions, the majority of them will require full sun. You will [...]

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