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McGeary Organics 6-0-4 Low Phosphorus Fertilizer

McGeary Organics 6-0-4 was formulated for use in areas with phosphorus restrictions due to water quality concerns, and in soils with excessive phosphorus from over manuring or fertilization. McGeary Organics 6-0-4 is an excellent general purpose fertilizer and can be used on lawns, gardens, and farm crops.

General Recommendations:
The guidelines below are general recommendations, for specific recommendations and best results refer to a recent soil test. On most applications 400 lb per acre is a good starting point. This is approximately equal to 1 lb per 100 ft2 (square feet).

Yard & Garden:

Vegetables and fruits: see the McGeary Organics Fertilizer Application Guide for Vegetables and Fruits. Recommendations range from 4 to 10 lb per 100 ft2 depending on the crop grown. check out organic gardening also!
Flowering annuals: apply 4 lb per 100 ft2 prior to planting and 4 lb per 100 ft2 again in mid summer.
Flowering perennials: apply 4 lb per 100 ft2 prior to shoot growth in the spring, and again in late fall for late blooming plants.
Flowering perennials and shrubs: apply 1lb per 100 ft2 in the spring and 2.5 lb per 100 ft2 on the fall.Ornamental trees and shrubs: should be fertilized once in the early spring prior to new shoot growth. Apply 5 pounds to evergreen trees, and 8 pounds to deciduous trees. For small trees (under 15 feet) and shrubs use 1 to 3 pounds.
Lawns: made up of cool season grasses such as Kentucky Blue Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue, and Bent Grass apply 20 pounds per 1000 sq ft in the spring after the flush of rapid growth slows. Apply and additional 20 pounds in the mid to late fall. For lawns made up of warm season grasses such as Bahia, Bermuda, Blue Grama, Buffalo, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia should be fertilized 20 pounds per 1000 sq ft in early spring. Apply an additional 20 pounds mid summer. For general information on lawns see lawn organic fertilizer.

Corn use 100 lb of 6-0-4 per 25 bushels of expected yield. This should be adjusted based on manure applications and existing soil nutrients as determined by soil testing. Ideally this should be incorporated just prior to planting.

For large orders over 400lbs please call 800-624-3279 or Contact Us for discounts and direct shipping rates.

McGeary Organics Horticultural 5-3-4 Soil-Less Fertilizer

McGeary’s horticultural fertilizer consists of McGeary Organics 5-3-4 blended with micronutrients. This fertilizer will supply plants growing in soil-less medias such as peat, bark, or coir with nutrients that these substrates do not contain.

Note: This fertilizer is not allowed for use in soils by organic certifiers due to NOP regulations requiring a soil test that shows a need for micronutrients before micronutrients are added.
Unlike most soil-less medias which are largely inert, it is essentially impossible to find a soil that requires all of the micronutrients contained in McGeary Organics Horticultural 5-3-4.


General Recommendations:

The guidelines below are general recommendations, for specific recommendations and best results refer to a recent soil test.

McGeary Organics Horticultural is formulated specifically for soil-less medias. Certified organic growers should not use this product in soils.

In most transplant applications 16 pounds per cubic yard (9.5 kg per cubic meter) of growing media is a good rate. Trials have shown that nitrogen will diminish at approximately 8 weeks depending on temperature and irrigation.· It is therefore advisable to apply a top dress every 6 to 8 weeks at a rate of 1.25 oz per gallon (9.5 g per liter) of media.

Starting seeds:
Although McGeary Organics Horticultural 5-3-4 has been successfully used at the transplant rate listed above to start seeds, it might be advisable to halve the rate, particularly with sensitive seeds and in medias containing compost.

For large orders over 400lbs please call 800-624-3279 or Contact Us for discounts and direct shipping rates.

McGeary Organics 8-0-0 Corn Gluten Fertilizer

What exactly is corn gluten?

Since that time corn gluten meal has been effectively used as a natural pre-emergent herbicide at 20 lbs. per 1000 square feet. Subsequent applications can be made at 10 lbs. per square feet. If being utilized for it’s pre-emergent qualities, the timing of the spring application is very important. It must be applied before weed seeds germinate.Corn gluten is a dried protein that is separated from corn when starch is being manufactured for the food industry. Researchers at Iowa State University discovered that when Corn Gluten was used as a fertilizer natural compounds inhibited root development in seedlings.

As a general rule, put it down when the Forsythia and early spring bulbs are in bloom. The timing of fall applications is not as important. The effectiveness of this product increases with its continued use. Weather also plays a role.

*This product is allowed in certified organic production. Call for availability. down when there is no rain in the· forecast for 48 hours.

For large Orders over 400 lbs please call 800-624-3279 or Contact Us for discounts and direct shipping rates.

Mcgeary Organics 5-3-4 General Purpose Gardening & Yard Fertilizer

McGeary Organics 5-3-4 is a premium organic fertilizer that meests the NOP requirements for organic crops. It performs well in a variety of applications. Plants respond rapidly, making this the most popular blend among farmers, landscapers and fruit and vegetable growers.
5-3-4 General Purpose Fertilizer

General Recommendations:
The guidelines below are general recommendations, for specific recommendations and best results refer to a recent soil test. Apply at a rate of up to 400 lb per acre. This is approximately equal to 1 lb per 100 ft. (square feet).

Yard & Garden:
For lawns made up of cool season grasses such as Kentucky Blue Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Tall Fescue and Fine Fescue, and Bent Grass apply 20 pounds per 1000 sq ft in the spring after the flush of rapid growth slows. Apply an additional 20 pounds in the mid to late fall. For lawns made up of warm season grasses such as Bahia, Bermuda, Blue Grama, Buffalo, Centipede, St. Augustine, and Zoysia should be fertilized 20 pounds per 1000 sq ft in early spring. Apply an additional 20 pounds mid summer. If you are looking for a simple but very effective way to improve your turf naturally, this is the best fertilizer for lawn care.

For vegetables and fruits see the McGeary Organics Fertilizer Application Guide. Recommendations range from 4 to 10 lb per 100 ft. depending on the crop grown.

Flowering Annuals: apply 4 lb per 100 ft. prior to planting and 4 lb per 100 ft. again in mid summer.
Flowering Perennials: apply 4 lb per 100 ft. prior to shoot growth in the spring, and again in late fall for late blooming plants.
Flowering Perennials and Shrubs: apply 1lb per 100 ft. in the spring and 2.5 lb per 100 ft. on the fall.
Ornamental Trees and Shrubs: should be fertilized once in the early spring prior to new shoot growth. Apply 5 pounds to evergreen trees, and 8 pounds to deciduous trees. For small trees (under 15 feet) and shrubs use 1 to 3 pounds.


Corn use 100 lb of 5-3-4 per 25 bushels of expected yield. This should be adjusted based on manure applications and existing soil nutrients as determined by soil testing. Ideally this should be incorporated just prior to planting.



For large orders over 400lbs please call 800-624-3279 or Contact Us for discounts and direct shipping rates.

raking weeds

How Much Growth Have You Lost to Weeds?

How many ways can we measure it? In pain… in hassle… in wasted hours… even in dollars? Even if all the grass on your lawn looks healthy; green, robust, and beautiful — the sight of weeds can damage what could have been a splendorous sight. But in truth, most often weeds do much more damage than simply being an eyesore. Weeds choke out other more desirable plants. They work like thieves; they steal nutrients from your flowers, your grass, and your crops. They prevent them from flourishing as they can when you use a top organic fertilizer.

Instead, weeds take your hard work, your sweat and effort, your dreams of something nicer, and cast an ugly shadow over them. Your crops and your flowers get strangled and die. They trespass on your land and spit in the face of your work. Maybe one day you should count up how much crop you have lost due to weeds, or how many freshly planted flowers have withered up. Count them up and find out what that’s worth. Know what they’ve stolen from you. What might not have been so dramatic to you beforehand might really get your blood boiling if you see it in practical dollar terms.

At the end of the day, you know it’s like a war. They’re dug into the trenches and they can be tricky to get rid of. You’ll end up spending even more money than they’ve taken trying to destroy them. Every year it’s the same situation. You end up spending money not just to keep you plants healthy and strong, but also to keep these invaders out. Maybe there’s a better way to keep your plants healthy AND keep the weeds at bay. Maybe there’s a way to save the time and money of doing both jobs separately.

Kill the Weeds Before They Appear

McGeary Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer does just that — both of these jobs at once. Not only is McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten one of the best organic fertilizers in its own right but it’s also, when used properly, a very effective pre-emergent herbicide. That means it can get rid of your weed problems before they even show up. You just apply it at the right time, before they have grown, and they never show up. More detail on proper application will be expressed later in this article and in a more scientific post by our agronomist at Corn Gluten Products.

Avoid the hassle of doing two jobs — McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten saves you from this problem. It saves you the money that you would normally have to spend on two different products. As an added bonus, because our corn gluten is a top organic fertilizer, you will not have to deal with extremely harsh lab-brew chemicals AND you retain your respect for our environment.

McGeary’s Best Organic Fertilizers Do the Job Responsibly

Think about this: our organic corn gluten fertilizer is an organic product. It is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production, and it conforms to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. Not only that, but McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer is made from non-GMO corn gluten.

If you’ve been wondering what exactly corn gluten is, here’s the quick answer: Corn gluten is a dried protein that is separated from corn. Note that corn gluten is an inexact term, as no true gluten has yet formed in it, only proteins. It is a perfectly natural fertilizer. Researchers from the University of Iowa discovered its unique ability to inhibit root development in seedlings during the 1980s. Since then it has become a popular alternative to the harsh man-made herbicides. McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer raises the bar by being organic and being made from non-GMO corn gluten.

Take Full Advantage of McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer

There are a number of things to remember regarding the proper use of our organic corn gluten fertilizer. It is important to take proper account here, as the misuse of a top organic fertilizer can result in inefficacy. Used correctly, however, our organic corn gluten will truly surprise you with its ability to do two jobs at once.
Corn gluten meal works by inhibiting the root formation of germinating plants. Because of this, at very high rates (80 pounds/1000 ft2 or higher), it can inhibit the roots of mature plants of transplants. Under normal circumstances, this is not a real worry. The recommended rate for targeting weeds with our organic corn gluten fertilizer is 20 pounds/1000 ft2.

It should be applied before the germination of the weeds. As a general rule, put it down when the Forsythia and early spring bulbs are in bloom. The timing of fall applications is not as important. Once germination occurs, a short drying period is needed to kill the plants that have germinated but have not formed a root. Timing is also important here. If it is too wet during germination, the plants will recover and form a root. Under ideal conditions, it should be put down when there is no rain in the forecast for 48 hours.
McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer also becomes more effective with repeated use. We recommend doing the additional applications at a rate of about 10 pounds/1000 ft2.

Special Benefits of McGeary’s Organic Corn Gluten Fertilizer

A special advantage of McGeary’s organic corn gluten fertilizer that is common among all our top organic fertilizers is the slow release of nutrients. This comes with a number of benefits. The plant’s uptake of the nutrients is substantially maximized and the amount of nutrients lost by run-off is lost by a great amount. This means you are getting more out of every pound of McGeary’s, and your plants are receiving the best possible treatment from the best organic fertilizers.

One last great advantage is that you get the dual-purpose organic corn gluten fertilizer, organic and environmentally friendly, made of the best quality non-GMO corn gluten, with it’s slow release, stronger plant-building properties… all at our McGeary pricing. Have a look on our site.

pictures of various tomatoes

Organic Gardening Is As Easy as 3-5-3!

So spring is finally here, and you are looking to finally plant that organic garden you have always wanted, where do you start? The most important thing to remember about obtaining healthy gardens is to plan correctly. Growing organic is more than just dumping seeds into dirt and hoping for the best. For starters, you need to determine what size plot you will have to work with. Will you plant in the ground or in a raised bed? What crops do you wish to yield? These questions are only the beginning. Once you have these simple answers, then the real planning begins.


It starts with the soil. It has been discovered that raised beds produce up to four times more home grown organic yields than traditional rows in the ground. While this may involve more planning on your part at the beginning, the results could be well worth the effort. Raised beds offer the quickest way to obtain a deep, rich soil for planting, in the end saving you time and effort. Raised beds allow you to develop the good habit of rounding out the soil. This simple effect will provide for more planting room and higher overall yields. Another smart planning tip for healthy gardens is to stagger the plants in triangles as opposed to traditional squares or rows. This allows you to fit more than ten percent more plants in your bed.

Organic Fertilizer

Once you have established the bed, McGeary Organics offers a good place to start planning out the details of your organic garden. McGeary offers organic fertilizer which can be found at has what you need regardless of desired output. Their organic fertilizer can be used for fruits and vegetables as well as for flowers, both annual and perennial.


Now that you have gone to 3-5-3-flower-plant-starter in our online store and purchased the fertilizer for your home grown organic garden, it is time to start planting. It is important not to space your plants or flowers too close together. Doing so could crowd your crop and prevent them from reaching their full potential. Not to mention, the stress of overcrowding can make your plants more susceptible to disease and insects. Taking the time to research compatible crops is also a wise idea as this allows your garden to work as a team, increasing yields while reducing overall workload. Corn, bean and squash work well together as do such things as tomatoes, basil and onions. Providing trellises on one side of your bed for vining crops to grow up is another great planning consideration for growing organic fruits and vegetables. This will offer the plants a climbing surface that will strengthen their vines and improve circulation which further reduces the chance of disease.

All in all, growing a healthy garden is a fun learning experience offering tremendous benefit in the form of healthy food at a fraction of the cost of the supermarket. Taking the necessary time at the beginning of the process to properly plan can save you time and headache. Make sure to consider what you and your family like, but also what plants are most conducive to your space and climate. How much time will you have to cultivate and nurture the crop? How much sun is there in your anticipated plot are also important questions to ask prior to jumping in. When all is said and done, it is your garden. Make it a happy loving one. Organic gardening should be a fun and rewarding experience. With adequate planning, and a little help from McGeary Organics, you are well on your way to having the healthy and wonderful garden of your dreams.

flowers in a garden

Organic Farming, Organic Gardening

Whether you practice organic farming or organic gardening, determining which top organic fertilizer to use is essential. Using a natural fertilizer is of course an obvious choice, but particularly worthy of your attention are organic low phosphorus fertilizers.

Phosphorus is one of the many elements found on the periodic table, identified by the letter “P” and its atomic weight of 15. A natural fertilizer, phosphorus is required for all plant and animal life, and is particularly concentrated in fossils.

Often top organic fertilizer will contain phosphorus obtained from marine fossils or from the more recent plant and animal material present within it. However, despite phosphorus’ importance, many experts agree that the best organic fertilizer is actually that which contains little or no phosphorus. Believe it or not, too much natural fertilizer can actually be a bad thing.

All plants require phosphorus to complete their life cycle. The element is a natural fertilizer, the plant kingdom’s equivalent to carbohydrates for animal life. Phosphorus provides plants with the energy necessary for successful root growth, and also facilitates the conduction of energy from the leaves of a plant to other parts of its structure.
But even though it is often present in top organic fertilizer, sometimes even the best organic fertilizer, that doesn’t mean that high-phosphorus fertilizer is right for your organic farming or organic gardening operation—in fact, organic low phosphorus fertilizers may be a much better choice.

Using a top organic fertilizer that has low levels of phosphorus is often much healthier for the environment. Studies conducted in Lincoln, Nebraska found that phosphorus caused more damage to local lakes and streams than did any other element. While using a top organic fertilizer that contains high percentages of phosphorus can help your plants, excess phosphorus from organic farming inevitably runs off into waterways. Organic low phosphorus fertilizers don’t lead to such pollution, but a top organic fertilizer that is rich in phosphorus might be more than the waterways can handle. The nutrient-charged water suddenly becomes an elixir of life, resulting in an imbalance of the local ecosystem.

The unnaturally high quantities of phosphorus present in the water cause incredible levels of growth in underwater plant life, and can lead to large algae blooms. While all that phosphorus can really help your organic gardening, it can damage the local environment through a process known as eutrophication. The water becomes murky and the increased levels of decaying plant life can even kill off fish populations. This is why the best organic fertilizer today is often seen as one that has little or no phosphorus. Choosing organic low phosphorus fertilizers is usually the responsible thing to do for the environment.

In the past, many soils contained less than ideal amounts of phosphorus, which often meant that yields from organic gardening or organic farming were often insufficient. High-phosphorus natural fertilizer became increasingly popular, especially in the realm of organic gardening for use with bulbs planted in the fall, such as lilies and daffodil. Individuals involved in organic farming found high-phosphorus natural fertilizer beneficial as well for fall-planted or flowering crops.

The top organic fertilizer was always one which had high concentrations of phosphorus, but the repeated use of such fertilizers resulted in permanently higher levels of phosphorus in the soil. With so much phosphorus already present, introducing more with some of the best organic fertilizer does nothing to help your plants, and can lead to dangerous runoffs in heavy rain. Thus, today, the best organic fertilizer is one which contains lower levels of phosphorus, allowing plants to rely on the phosphorus already present in the soil. Organic low phosphorus fertilizers are becoming much more popular.

Of course, while many soils already contain all the phosphorus the plants in your organic farming or organic gardening operation require (an Auburn University soil test study found that roughly 50% of Alabama gardens contain as much or more phosphorus than they need), this is not always the case.

Sometimes organic low phosphorus fertilizers are the right choice for your farm or garden and the local environment, but sometimes choosing a top organic fertilizer that contains a higher percentage is actually the right choice. Contact your state agricultural experts to purchase an accurate soil test before you order our organic low phosphorus fertilizers—too much phosphorus is bad for waterways, but too little is bad for your organic gardening or organic farming.

If you run an organic farming operation, call us to order custom blends of our top organic fertilizer for your soil and crops. We talk to organic farming professionals every day and our experience representatives can answer all your questions. If you practice organic gardening, purchase our best organic fertilizer online or select one of our more phosphorus-rich natural fertilizers if your test results conclude that your soil needs it.

Organic low phosphorus fertilizers are always the right choice if you live near a lake or stream, or if your test results indicate a sufficient level of phosphorus in the soil. If that’s the case, you need to purchase the best organic fertilizer with the lowest phosphorus available.

Determining how much phosphorus a particular natural fertilizer contains is much easier than you might think. When shopping for the best organic fertilizer for your organic gardening needs, choose a natural fertilizer and look closely at the bag it comes in. Every bag of fertilizer comes with a three numbers printed on its packaging, usually following a structure like 4-4-4.

Each of these numbers corresponds to the percentage of the fertilizer that is made up of a particular element. The left number is nitrogen, the middle number is phosphorus, and the number on the right is the percentage of potassium. The middle number is the one you have to pay attention to here. Organic low phosphorus fertilizers will have a proportion of phosphorus equal to or less than 3%, with the best organic fertilizer containing as little as 1 or 0%.

Whether you are organic gardening or organic farming, using our natural fertilizer is the best choice for both your plants and the environment. Among organic low phosphorus fertilizers, ours is consistently ranked a top organic fertilizer, and considered by many even the best organic fertilizer available.

large field of crops

Organic Fertilizers Work Slowly

For many years, the concept of artificial improvement dominated every field of human endeavor, including the fields in which flowers or fruits and vegetables were grown. The concept of laboratory-created chemical fertilizers seemed viable at first, creating bumper crops of domesticated plants across the landscape and outperforming organic approaches. However, as we have seen, these chemical fertilizers take a heavy toll on the health of our soil and water.

The concept of using organic fertilizers on fields of fruits and vegetables is an ancient one, but concentrated, specific chemical fertilizers that are developed in isolation from the natural landscape fail to account for the natural balance of healthy soil. Soil types vary by region, giving character to the flowers, fruits and vegetables grown in them. They are a complex balance of regional sediments, mineral elements, and nutrients created by the decaying plant and animal matter accreted over millennia.

Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants: The Organic Approach

Living soils are home to complex ecological webs that include many plant and animal species routinely driven out of large agricultural fields of flowers, fruits and vegetables. When this occurs, the soil becomes depleted in ways that no lab-developed fertilizer can remedy. However, we must eat. What can be done? The simplest solution to the current issue of soil depletion and degradation by agriculture is to help replenish the soil’s natural balance of nutrients by utilizing organic fertilizers.

Unlike their laboratory counterparts, organic fertilizers encourage thriving crops without overburdening soils with excess minerals, such as phosphorous and nitrogen. They help to repair and improve depleted soils over time, while encouraging the growth of healthy, thriving flowers or fruits and vegetables. The basis for this approach is the use of high-quality, organic compost. Much like the uppermost layer of a soil profile, compost material consists of decaying plant matter in various stages of decomposition.

The gradual release of essential nutrients into the soil works with the natural capacity of fruits and vegetables to absorb and utilize the fertilizer. When chemical fertilizers are applied, they overburden the soil, rendering it toxic to many of the beneficial microbes, microorganisms, and other beneficial species. Because flowers or fruits and vegetables cannot conceivably use these massive doses of nutrients quickly enough, they leech down into the groundwater or are washed into streams and lakes by rain and irrigation.

This damages the environment in two distinct ways. First, it leaves the soil poorer than before, requiring even more fertilizer in order to sustain the same output of fruits and vegetables. Second, it promotes the growth of invasive plant species in aquatic systems, which compete with the natural ecosystems for resources and living space. Viable ecosystems rely on the balance between elements within the system. This is known as equilibrium. Chemical fertilizers disrupt this equilibrium and may actually pose a threat to future food security, because the abundance of flowers or fruits and vegetables they produce is not a sustainable aspect of a viable ecosystem.

Agriculture Began In a Garden

Human cultures have cultivated fruits and vegetables for thousands of years. Flowers have also formed a part of many subsistence schemes, though, until recently, they were fostered for their dyes and pollens. Indigo, woad, and saffron are three examples of floriculture. Until relatively recent centuries, decorative flowers were not a focus of intentional cultivation. However, today, growers of flowers such as tulips and other desirable species form a respectable portion of the agricultural community.

In fact, the agriculture practiced thousands of years ago bears almost no resemblance to the massive monoculture systems in place today. Prior to the formation of cities in the Fertile Crescent—before cultivation began along the banks of the Nile or the Yellow and Yangtze rivers, before the Olmec plotted pyramids along the Pacific coast of Mesoamerica or the Greek city-states formed in their isolated valleys—agriculture was practiced in a style very much resembling a garden. Small scale farming of flowers, fruits and vegetables, while significantly more technologically advanced in reality, has more in common with the original agriculture than the vast stretches of monoculture practiced by industrial farming corporations.

Today, successful organic gardens may be relatively small in size compared to these massive single-crop fields. However, even the larger, privately owned farms that grow flowers, fruits and vegetables are looking to organic practices as more sustainable than modern chemical-supported farming techniques. This means utilizing intercropping strategies, where complimentary species of fruits and vegetables or flowers support each other. It also entails allowing biotic communities to regulate themselves to a large extent, and forgoing the use of harsh pesticides.

Bordering fields with hedgerows that attract birds to prey upon insects and employing naturally pest repellent flowers amongst crops are two organic practices farmers are reinstating in order to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides. Using organic fertilizers based on rich compost material act to strengthen the soil. It fosters communities of beneficial bacteria and insects, so predatory organisms can’t get a foothold.

Tailoring Your Formula

Because soil varies regionally, and the needs of your particular flowers, berries or fruits and vegetables will also demand special care, obtaining a current soil test from the local branch of your state agricultural department is a good start. At McGeary Organics, we’ll use the results of this test to custom craft a special organic fertilizer that perfectly suits the needs of your flowers, berries, fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re the neighborhood Plant Whisperer who always has a squash or a bag of pole beans to share, or are going into business of organic farming for yourself, McGeary’s offers you a fertilizer solution that is both organic and effective.

McGeary’s Organics is an ideal partner for the organic farmer. Our 2-3-4 and 5-3-4 formulas are ideal for fruits and vegetables, flowers, and berries. Plus, because they’re based on organic composts, they aren’t liquid and will never burn your plants with harsh chemical compositions. Working closely with the team at McGeary’s will enable us to provide you with the perfect fertilizer for your region’s soil type and your crop requirements. Even if you’re only gardening for pleasure, McGeary’s will help you nurture your flowers, fruits and vegetables in a way that nature intended, with organic compost-based fertilizers that are gentle on your plants and the earth you love. Our company has worked hard to maintain a natural standard for our fertilizer blends. We proudly meet guidelines for OMRI and USDA Organic products.

Farming fruits and vegetables, berries, or flowers requires intensive dedication and more than a little vision. We exist in a milieu that has trained our tastes for unblemished apples, symmetrical potatoes, and flawless blossoms, all delivered by the instant truckload. Organic fertilizer works its magic at a natural pace, not a manufactured sprint, and provides produce you can be proud of, because it’s truly good all the way from field to table..

hands holding soil

Test Soil Before Adding Fertilizer

Soil management and managing the level of soil nutrients is necessary to promote flourishing plant growth in farms, gardens and landscaping. Soil nutrients are best managed by using an organic fertilizer, with custom mixes available through McGeary Fertilizer. A variety of McGeary Fertilizers are available from the nursery and gardening supply stores located under our list of Retailers. Or purchase now online by clicking on the Buy Now tab.

Before you buy any fertilizer, however, a soil test is a critical part of the process. The best source for accurate soil testing is found at your local agricultural extension office. Extension agents in your home state can advise you on how to take the soil test accurately so that you can pinpoint needs and add fertilizer appropriately.

Then the test results can be studied by our agronomists at McGeary Organics. They have specialized knowledge that goes into creating the precise fertilizer needed for the crops specific to the soil needs in your farm, yard or garden. Data from a soil test reveals the soil nutrients that your landscaping or garden is lacking.

Just as important is the test that tells you when you have overfertilized. With that soil test information, we can help you can make an educated decision about the best organic fertilizer to restore the balance of soil nutrients. When collecting samples for your McGeary Fertilizer soil test, take soil from different locations. A minimum of ten soil test samples is recommended in order to get an accurate assessment of your soil nutrient levels and your organic fertilizer needs. Remove all thatch or mulch from the soil test samples. If you have just applied organic fertilizer to your soil, you must wait two months to let the soil nutrients return to their previous levels.

The amount of soil nutrients in your sample will depend on the condition of the soil, the presence of naturally occurring organic fertilizer matter, and previous organic fertilizers used. A soil test is recommended every two to three years. If you are having trouble maintaining healthy soil nutrient levels, more frequent soil tests will be needed.

Organic fertilizer labels include numbers that refer to the three major soil nutrients – nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium (or potash). Labels on the best organic fertilizer products are standardized so the soil nutrients appear in this same order. Your soil test will show you which of these nutrients are lacking in your soil and point you to the specific organic fertilizer you need. Organic fertilizers may contain other trace nutrients like zinc, iron, and sulfur. These levels are not included on the label because they occur in such small quantities.

Besides supplying soil nutrients, organic fertilizer increases the amount of organic matter in the soil, improving drainage, water holding capacity, and general physical condition of the soil. If your soil test reveals high levels of certain nutrients, applying an organic fertilizer with the wrong nutrient levels will create an imbalance and stunt plant growth.

Some fast growing plants like potatoes and corn have high soil nutrients requirements and need a special organic fertilizer corn formula. An organic fertilizer for corn would not be appropriate for xeriscapes, slowly growing plants, or native grasses that need a specific fertilizer for grass.

For everyday flower gardening, use a formula designed as an organic fertilizer for perennials or for annuals. Organic fertilizers for vegetables are specially formulated by McGeary Fertilizer for specific types of vegetables. For hobby farmers, choosing the best fertilizer is made possible by the wide variety of organic fertilizers available in our online store. Not many garden centers are able to stock so many combinations. Whether you need a specific organic fertilizer for corn, organic fertilizer for perennials, organic fertilizer for vegetables,or a fertilizer for grass, you can turn to us for the best organic fertilizer for your needs.

Using fish as an organic fertilizer for corn is a very early example of the use of natural products in farming. Natural compounds have been the best fertilizer for crops since agriculture began. Chemicals were introduced about the time of World War II. After the war, organic fertilizer technology was superseded by new chemical compounds in many developed countries, while the third world continued to rely on what was the only available organic fertilizer – manure.

At McGeary we do not use manure in our organic fertilizers. Experience tells us that other organic materials do not burn the plants, as often happens with heavy applications of animal manures. We purchase a variety of good organic materials specifically chosen for us in our fertilizer mixes. Ecological concerns have raised the awareness of chemical runoff in soil and water. As a result, ecologists have tried their best to recommend organic fertilizers be used more predominantly.

Millions of dollars are being spent to develop the best fertilizer for garden applications, the best fertilizer for crops, and the best fertilizer for grass.

McGeary Fertilizer organic technology has allowed for the development of an organic fertilizer suited specifically for perennials, an organic fertilizer for corn, an organic fertilizer for grass, and an organic fertilizer that vegetables can use in general.

Garden flower aficionados know they must buy fertilizers that are low in nutrient strength. For flowers, the organic fertilizer applied to perennials need should not be too strong, or the excessive growth will cause the flowers to flop over. Although fast growing annuals can tolerate a bit more nutrient, they will do better with frequent application of a low level of nutrients in the fertilizer.

It is important to remember with organic fertilizer,vegetables are not all the same. For fast growing vegetables, farmers use strong organic fertilizer vegetables formulas. But with slower growing vegetable varieties, farmers use organic fertilizer vegetable formulations that are not as nutrient rich. Farmers do this for the much the same reason as organic fertilizer perennials users are restrained in their use of fertilizers.

Excessive nutrients from a strong organic fertilizer in a vegetables formula could cause slow growing plants to become too heavy and topple over. Farmers with multiple crops have a variety of McGeary Fertilizer needs and will want to use the best fertilizer crops formulas specific to the varieties they grow.

The best fertilizers available for are very diverse and can be very specific. When farmers are able to identify the best fertilizer crops yields will increase dramatically. For example, corn has unique nutritional needs because it grows tall and fast. Any organic fertilizer corn would thrive on would likely damage other crops like beans or melons. The crops formula would be substantially different.

Corn crops are an important international commodity as a source of food for humans and livestock, and organic fertilizer for vegetables and corn can ensure that this commodity is not in short supply. First wheat, then corn products were the food foundation of the first human societies. Without organic fertilizer for corn, we might still be a hunter and gatherer society.

Everyday landscape farmers have entirely different needs than agricultural farmers. Fertilizer for grass, or organic fertilizer for perennials, are substantially different in strength. These less dense formulas are specifically blended to make an organic fertilizer perennials can thrive in or a fertilizer for grass that is specifically tailored to the variety of grass.

Grasses vary widely by region.Kentucky Bluegrass is very different than Florida’s St. Augustine grass. And the grasses that are native to Europe are equally as diverse. As a result, fertilizer for grass is developed with specific kinds of grass in mind. A fertilizer for grass native to one region will actually fight off the growth of other grasses, resulting in a better looking lawn. Because grass can endure heavy traffic, fertilizer for grass also includes compounds that improve the physical condition of the soil.

Most perennials do not need heavy McGeary Fertilizer applications. The organic fertilizer growers use for perennials typically has a much lower nitrogen content. As a general rule, you can apply a handful of organic fertilizer to perennials by working it into the soil around the plant by hand in the early Spring. This helps to prevent foliage burn.

small sprout coming out of soil

How To Grow Organic Vegetables In Your Own Backyard

The first step to growing organic vegetables in your backyard is to plan where you will be growing your backyard vegetables. While some fruits and vegetables tolerate partly shady conditions, the majority of them will require full sun. You will also need to do your research in order to make sure your organic vegetables and fruits are appropriate for your region.

Once you have determined the best area in your backyard for your home grown organic produce, the second step is to prepare the soil. The ideal soil conditions will be deep, have good drainage, and be fertile. You will need at least one to two feet of good soil in order for your roots to grow properly. In order to tell if you have good drainage, watch your soil after it rains. It should not sit there for more than a day. While, you can remedy this situation with the installation of a subsurface drainage, the easier solution would be to build a raised bed. Poor soil can be amended with a good organic fertilizer, such as 2-3-4 Vegetable and Fruit Fertilizer from McGeary Organics, Inc.

The third step in growing organic vegetables and fruits is to plant your organic seeds or plants that are appropriate for your region. You also need to be aware you are planting seeds at the proper time of year. Most organic seed companies put this information on the back of the seed packet. Choose your seeds and plants wisely. You want to make sure these are foods you eat often and don’t take up more space than you have. Growing organic means you get to harvest your delicious produce and have the peace of mind knowing your are eating healthy and not spending loads of money for it at the store.

The last step in maintaining your home grown organic backyard vegetables and fruits is to make sure your plants are healthy and free of pests. Since you are growing organic, you will not be able to use most of the products on the market for getting rid of pests and disease. Making sure you used your organic fertilizer, for example, from 2-3-4 Vegetableand Fruit Fertilizer from McGeary Organics, Inc., will ensure your plants have the proper nutrients they need to thrive, which will resist disease and pests. If you do happen to see a pest, there are several organic methods you can use to get rid of them. Depending on the type of pest, you may need to pick them off, deter them by planting organic marigolds or herbs with strong scents, introduce good bugs to keep the bad ones in check, or for larger pests you may need to cover your plants with netting. In case your backyard vegetables suffer from a disease such as powdery mildew, you can rinse the leaves in the middle of the day several times each week with your garden hose.

Growing organic may sound like a daunting task, but it’s easy when you get the hang of it. A little planning goes a long way. Having the proper soil from using organic fertilizer, such as the 2-3-4 Vegetableand Fruit Fertilizer from McGeary Organics, Inc., planting organic seeds and plants at the proper time that are appropriate for your region, and by maintaining your garden, you’ll be harvesting your home grown organic produce in no time.